Winter Solstice 2020 & New Year 2021
The winter solstice is the shortest day and longest night of the year. After this date, days become lighter for longer up until the summer solstice in June. The winter solstice on 21st December 2020 was significant in terms of astrology, on this date the two largest planets in our solar system (Jupiter and Saturn) were closer to each other and to
this planet than they have been for 400 years. In terms of astrology, the global impact of this famous conjunction (or meeting) is expected to last for at least 20 years.
In terms of astrology, Saturn generally represents structure (4) restriction and pessimism, whilst Jupiter typically represents new thinking (5), expansion and optimism.
In terms of Numerology, the challenge last year (2020) was about existing structures and restrictions, which brought up a great deal of emotion (2 + 2 = 4). The year 2020 also brought in the potential ‘master builder’, as represented by 22/ 4 (20 + 2 = 22 & 2 + 2 = 4). The ‘master builder’ at its best represents the birth of a new world, ideally built with love and compassion (20 + 2).
The challenge for this year (2021) on the other hand is to embrace change and inspire new thinking (2 + 2 + 1 = 5) as we potentially break out of the box represented by existing structures (4) and start to think in new ways (5). The year 2021 brings in 23/ 5 energy (20 + 2 +1 = 23 & 2 + 3 = 5), this represents great movement, change (5) and some
brilliant ideas (3). However, because these new ideas (3) are born of emotion (20) we may doubt ourselves and there may be great restlessness. With extremes of emotion, it is key that we focus on what is viable and practical, ideally getting the details right before new thinking, expansion and optimism can follow.
We are now in 2021 and there are still restrictions imposed by government, we are asked to limit our personal plans and work together towards common goals that benefit everyone. We have now had more than 21 years with the 2 at the front of the year. This 2 energy brings separation, and for the first time we may become more aware of the existing
duality and polarities within our society. Qualities of the 2 also include the diplomat, the facilitator and the co-ordinator who can potentially navigate this to find the middle ground. In tarot (which comes from Numerology), the 2 represents going behind the veil and into the mystery, and the 4 represents focussing on what is viable and practical, as well as great endurance. Both of these aspects are needed if we are not to give up on the shared dream of world peace, as we potentially go into
new territory.
Last year’s Winter Solstice occurred on 21/ 12/ 2020, the first goal that comes from this date is 33/ 6 (21 + 12 = 33/ 6), which potentially represents a feeling of responsibility (6) for the happiness of others (33). The challenge that comes from the year 2020 (2 + 2 = 4) is to bring in new structures (4) that allow us to care more for others. The
mission that comes from this date (33 + 4 = 37/ 10/ 1) brings the potential for great spirituality (7) and creativity (30), to bring in new ideas and new beginnings (10/ 1). The 10/ 1 also represents great will power (1) enabling us to embrace the potential (0) or the unknown, and to re-emerge with a new awareness.
If we look at the phrase ‘Winter Solstice’ the first word starts with ‘W’, the 23rd letter of the alphabet. In terms of Numerology 23/ 5 represents great movement, change (5) and great ideas (3). However, because this great creativity (3) is born of emotion (20) we may doubt ourselves, resulting in a great restlessness as well, especially in the year 2021, which emphasises these qualities. The first vowel in this word is ‘I’, the 9th letter of the alphabet. In numerology this 9 represents the
humanitarian and teacher, giving in service, with the characteristics of great wisdom and generosity.
9 5 6 9 5 Soul Urge or Motivation = 34/ 7
5 5 2 9 1 31 2 3 Personality or Essence = 31/ 4
Overall Self Expression = 65/ 11/ 2
The overall self-expression (65/ 11/ 2) here represents the prolific creator and the higher mind (5) born from a love of harmony and beauty (60). These numbers bring an opportunity to shift from a focus on physical beauty to the beauty of devotion to a cause or idea, bringing the potential to inspire new thinking (11/ 2). This potential comes from the personality or essence (31/ 4) which represents the ‘spiritual warrior’. The 1 in this position is like a sword, born of great creativity (30) and
potentially cutting through with a relentless determination to build structures (4) that can benefit everyone. The Soul Urge or motivation (34/ 7) is for a new structure (4) to emerge naturally from this great creativity (30/ 3), as we move from the darkness of the shortest day to days with more light, following the rhythm of Mother Nature.
© 2020 Copyright Jane Alton
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Recent Article and Interview
It was great talking to Becci Godfrey via Zoom on behalf of Peace Project (Facebook group),
on Friday 18/12/2020, Theme "The Nature of Numbers".
There's no doubting 2020 has been an "interesting" year. Could the numbers in this year's date have something to do with it? For the final Peace Project interview of the year, Becci is talking with Consultant Numerologist Jane Alton. Jane will explain why shifting from 1999 years of there being a 1 at the front of the year, to there being a 2 at the front of the year impacts us all. We'll also be talking about why 2020 has showed up in the way that it has and what to expect from 2021.
During this interview we talk about the winter solstice 2020 & the new year 2021, Becci also refers to my interview with Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby.
Some of my Feedback
“Jane is totally amazing and formidable. Her ability to read you and your family’s numbers and letters founded from your names, birth date and place of birth is second to none. I personally had a reading where Jane read both my own personal numbers and my immediate family, Jane put me at ease as she flowed with a wealth of information about me as a person and characteristic traits, talents, strengths and weaknesses as well my family’s too. Jane then linked all my habits and
characteristic traits to those of my family and how we all slotted in with each other. It was pure joy and such an eye opener and I felt like Jane knew me better than I knew myself and she had an insight into my soul. Jane is kind, gentle and executes her readings with passion, tact, understanding and diplomacy” VH, Kent
“I’ve always been fascinated with numerology, especially after having a basic reading a couple of years ago which intrigued me further. Working with energy and vibration myself means for me personally the vibrational energy of numerology just resonates so deeply for me. My quest to understand more about my numerology blueprint led me to find the wonderful Jane. After speaking to Jane, I decided to have a personal and a business reading. The readings were very detailed, and provided
me with a greater in-depth understanding of both myself and my business, providing aha moments, clarity, visions and confirmations. The detail Jane is able to give is amazing. You literally watch your life unfold before your very eyes. For me numerology is so the way forward, in helping you to stay in flow with your energy template and navigate your journey in life. Jane is extremely knowledgeable, friendly, kind, inspiring, helpful and full of wisdom. I will definitely be working with Jane
in the future and can totally recommend her and her services. I’m so glad our paths have crossed! “
Diane McCann - Founder of Vibrational Sound Therapy
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Teaching 'On-Line as well as 'In Person'
It was a privilege to teach the Foundation for the first time on-line from 5pm to 8pm on Thursdays and Fridays over 6 weeks in October and November 2020.
“It was funny the first class I heard 2 of the students say they had already taken this class. I was a little confused as to why someone would repeat but kept that to myself. I totally understand now as we grow and each time we take it the information comes at us differently. So expect me at least once a year to be part of this wonderful class”.
Sue Coffin of Healing Numbers22, Maine USA
” A joy to be with Jane” SM, Sussex
(Just the one certificate as Sarah has completed the Foundation before and wanted to complete this again to gain deeper understanding) …
“Jane is amazing … I have learnt so much in such a short time. Makes me want to carry on learning more … I will look at dates for the Diploma in Numerology …” DR, Kent
“Very happy to have done this course with Jane. She is thorough, patient and very generous with her knowledge” CM, London