"Your name tells a lot about you and everyone has a name. In a recent meeting with Dame Kelly Holmes, I described what her name means to her and guided her in knowing more about herself. Below is that reading for Dame Kelly and an example of what you would get from me:"
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Since its formation in 1991, The Connaissance School of Numerology has been developing and presenting courses in esoteric Numerology, with themes such as symbols in history, sacred writings & symbols, sacred geometry, chakras & platonic solids, the history of Numerology, numbers & symbols, The Grid, The Athenor (both tools used in Numerology). These themes are all included in the foundation course, which I teach on
behalf of The Connaissance School of Numerology and after successfully completing this foundation course you can then go on to complete a Diploma in Numerology with the school.
I'm planning to run this 6 day foundation course in Numerology from 10am to 4pm on the following dates: -
Monday (07/01/19) Tuesday (08/01/19) & Wednesday (09/01/19)
Monday (14/01/19) Tuesday (15/01/19) & Wednesday (16/01/19)
Please let me know if you would like more information or to sign-up
my email address is
Everything evolves in cycles and comes down to vibrations and numbers can be the most effective means of portraying this. This soul-based foundation course helps you identify and interpret these cycles as they evolve in your life and environment. Energies represented by the cycle 1-9 define your name, your life and are
connected to ancient symbols and systems (such as the Tree of Life and I-Ching, as well as sacred geometry, platonic solids, chakras etc). Our lives as well as the connections we share with others can be viewed from the perspective of this much bigger picture …
Events Diary
Please see the In the 'Events' section of my website for more information with regard to Taster Readings and presentations I will also be giving soon
| Award Winning Local Artist Trisha Wood painted this beautiful 'Numbers Tree' for me and this is used
for my voucher cards ...
Email: - to purchase
The Tetraktys is an ancient symbol which can be interpreted in many ways, and can be applied as a visual representation of the journey for the number 1. This can be used to illustrate how powerful 2019 may be, as we come to the
end of karmic years.
On a planetary level we are witnessing everything coming up to be transformed, and it is perhaps no co-incidence that 19 in terms of Numerology represents the correct use of power.
On one level these are scary times, but we are also privileged to witness shifts that will potentially impact everyone. Such shifts only occur once every one thousand years.
The zero in Numerology represents potential, and the 3 zeros in the year 2000 can be seen to represent a great potential for creativity. By the time the planet had reached the year 2000, we had experienced more than 1900 years with the number 1 at the front of the year. This means that for most of that time everyone on the planet had a 1 in their numerology chart. The 1 is a masculine fire type of energy, an unstoppable generator that can be very naïve and focused on survival as an independent,
self- achieving pioneer.
We now have a 2 at the fount of the year and in approximately 100 years everyone on this planet will have this 2 in their numerology chart. By contrast the 2 is a feminine energy, dominated by the water element and the moon. The 2 energy represents the diplomat, the facilitator and the co-ordinator whilst preferring to work in more subtle ways, behind the scenes as a peace maker.
In the last one thousand years we have become very accustomed to the dominant 1 energy. In the next one thousand years we will be able to fully integrate the new 2 energy. In the long term we may need a new education system as students could become less competitive. In time we may also witness a new type of leader emerge, a leader who works in more subtle ways
with great compassion and fully utilises ‘soft power’.
Initially this adjustment may cause great confusion and conflict as many will want to continue to benefit from how things have always been, and may feel threatened by such profound changes. However, those in power must soon come to recognise that in order to stay in power they will have to adjust to a new type of customer and/or voter emerging, as new technology encourages like-minded people to get into groups more easily and allows everyone’s voice to be heard.
The Tetraktys illustrates how, for the first 10 years (2000 to 2010) we are ‘learner drivers’ in new territory and learning to work in new ways with this new ‘soft power’ (the numbers 1 to 10 influence the 2 at the front of the year in different ways). The 5 at the centre represents the mind and can be seen here to touch each of the numbers, the mind thinking in new ways at each stage of the journey.
At the top of the Tetraktys we have the trinity or blue print of the divine intent (1 masculine, 2 feminine, working together with potential for the creativity of the 3 to breakthrough).
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Numerology for the words TIME and SPACE
Our ‘Date of Birth’ can be defined as a moment when time and space truly connect - a cross in time and space that becomes our starting point.
Time is a manmade measure, both linear and flat. It is a way of ordering events in the past, present and future.
Space can be defined as a continuous expanse, the size and magnitude of which is still beyond our comprehension.
It’s only natural that we compartmentalise, to make manageable that which we cannot comprehend.
9 5 Urge of Soul = 14/ 5
2 4 Personality = 6/ 6
Overall Self Expression = 20/ 11/ 2
TIME has the letter T at the front; this 2 energy can be represented by the second Tarot card, ‘The High Priestess’, which is about going beyond the veil into the mystery.
The 2 takes us into the mystery, brings in duality and helps us to see the detail as well as the much bigger
picture. Ultimately, in time the 2 helps us to be a channel with great breadth of vision, catching a glimpse of all that is beyond intellect and focussing on the bigger picture not just the detail. The 20 in the ‘Overall Self Expression’ elevates the 2, brings in space and potential for wholeness. The key aspect of the 11/ 2 is the space that comes from the will (1) to go into the mystery (2). (Overall Self Expression for the word TIME = 20/ 11/ 2).
The ‘Soul Urge’ or ‘Motivation’ that
comes from the word TIME (14/ 5) is all about breaking out of the box (4) or manmade limitations - using will (1), mind (5) and your 5 senses to find your truth in amongst the vastness of space.
The Personality (6) that comes from the word TIME represents the potential for spirit and matter to come
together, for us to uncoil to become a cup for spirit, to see the beauty without the perfection of everything being compartmentalised and symmetrical.
As spiritual beings, having a very physical experience, each molecule around us and within us contains the universe. Spirit and matter potentially can come together within us when past, present and future align in a moment that pierces eternity. In these
moments time stands still, as we break through the man made constraints of time, to pierce eternity. Moments such as these can be moments that we carry with us forever.
1 5 Urge of Soul = 6/ 6
S P A C E 1 7 3 Personality = 11/ 2
Overall Self Expression = 17/ 8
The word SPACE starts with 1, the dynamic will and unstoppable generator that can carry on forever, ultimately connecting us with great spirituality (7) and potentially causing great re-evaluation (8) as we seek to find and live our truth. (OSE, Overall Self Expression for the word SPACE = 17/ 8).
The ‘Soul Urge’ or ‘Motivation’ that comes from the word SPACE represents the potential for spirit and matter to come together, for us to uncoil and become a cup for
spirit, connecting with a vastness and magnitude which is beyond our comprehension. The Personality (11/ 2) that comes from the word SPACE gives us the potential to channel this understanding, existing in
the eternity of every moment and connecting with the great universe of spirituality within us.
Teaching Esoteric Tarot on behalf of The Connaissance School of Numerology
This 12 day course provides a detailed and in-depth description of the symbolism and qualities of each of the Major Arcarna of the Oswald Wirth Tarot pack, as well how what we learn from it can be applied to everyday life. The course finishes with a full day looking at the practical aspects of giving a Tarot reading. However, it is not about using the Tarot as a method of prediction,
but rather a guide through which we can look at the state of our awareness of the world as it is today. It offers a new perspective on the traumas and crises that face us. This new perception comes from the point of view of Soul.
"Fabulous course, lots of information, well explained. Very enjoyable and very worthwhile. I made great connections with the material taught. A big thanks to Jane for being a great teacher". PR, Kent
"I found the course quite an education, it has totally changed my view of The Tarot cards.
Worth the time to take out to learn". CH, Tunbridge Wells, Kent.