Numerology Newsletter January 2017

Published: Fri, 01/06/17

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January 2017 Newsletter
What 2017 may mean for us all ...

This year is part of an amazing shift in consciousness that is now starting to touch all our lives.

When we take a look at nature and at our own lives we can perhaps see how everything evolves in cycles and cycles that can best be represented by numbers.

In Numerology, the year represents challenges we face collectively, as well as on an individual basis. With the new Millennium in 2000, a new cycle began. Before the year 2000 there were approximately 1900 years, when everyone on this planet would have had a dominant 1 energy in their chart. The 1 is represented by the sun and fire, it represents the generator, the unstoppable spiritual will, dynamic, outgoing - a naive energy with the idea or will to do something, the impetus to build, completely unstoppable. A 1 personality is typically the independent self achiever, the pioneer, the leader focussed totally on their goals and on doing things in their own way.

The 2 energy is very different to the 1, the 2 is represented by the moon and water, the 2 is the Goddess energy, typically working in subtle ways, weighing up ideas and bringing elements together. A 2 personality is typically the diplomat, the facilitator, the co-ordinator working in subtle ways, to bring about peace and harmony.

The year 2000 also brought a great deal of potential with it, the zero represents potential in Numerology. The Potential or zero represents the no-thing that is everything, the no-thing that is eternal and the ultimate source to which everything returns. The fact there are three zeros in the year 2000 is also significant. The 3 in numerology represents the blue print or the plan, as masculine, feminine energies and potential come together to create. In Numerology nothing happens without the 3 and 3 zeros can mean a potential for creativity and communication.

In approximately 100 years from now, everyone on this planet will have a dominant 2 in their chart. This essentially means a new type of leader emerging, one who leads from behind and is very sensitive to the needs of others. A leader with 2 energy typically uses ‘soft power’ and works in more subtle ways, weighing everything up and considering every possibility.  With such a shift in consciousness we may need a new educational system, as children may not be so competitive and may be thinking in completely different ways. Big corporations and politicians may also have to wake up to the face that they have a new type of customer or voter, one who considers others, not just their own interests, one who will consider in detail before buying or voting. This ‘soft power’ also lends itself to social media, where everyone has a voice and can work in subtle ways, sharing information, weighing all the facts up, working with others and getting into groups easily.   

​​​​​​​By following the years from 2001 to now we can see the following cycles evolving: -


Some of my Feedback

" I've finished my numerology course yesterday. It's very in - depth and a lot more to just numbers that you will be amazed at. I know I won't view the numbers as boring. It tells you what you bring in with you from past lives, what your lessons are and so much more. I spent the week with Jane Alton who is the best numerologist and has the passion for the subject. I know it will take my readings on to another level when I'm using my tarot cards. I can recommend the course x" AB, Rainham

AB, Rainham



Since its formation in 1991, The Connaissance School of Numerology has been developing and presenting courses in esoteric Numerology, with themes such as symbols in history, sacred writings & symbols, sacred geometry, chakras & platonic solids, the history of Numerology, numbers & symbols, The Grid, The Athenor (both tools used in Numerology). These themes are all included in the foundation course, which I teach on behalf of The Connaissance School of Numerology and after successfully completing this foundation course you can then go on to complete a Diploma in Numerology with the school.
I'm planning to run foundation courses in Numerology on the following dates. 
Please let me know if you would like more information (my email address is - 

Saturday (11/02/17) & Sunday (12/02/17)
Saturday (18/02/17) & Sunday (19/02/17)
Saturday (25/02/17) & Sunday (26/02/17)

Events Diary
Please see the In the 'Events' section of my website for more information with regard to Taster Readings and presentations I will also be giving soon

Nothing happens by chance and there is a theory that we all chose to be born into a unique set of circumstances, tailor made to teach us what we need to learn to complete what we are here to do.

When we know what we are here to do, what the lessons are, the karma that we may be turning around, our gifts, our challenges etc ... this can help to explain why certain people may be in our world and why certain situations may keep coming up.

From your Date of Birth and the name on your Birth Certificate a set of numbers can be produced that show your mission as well as your unique gifts and challenges to help you complete this. Numerology can help you to look objectively at the energies and cycles at work in your life. Numerology is non-judgmental and allows you to make informed decisions, based on a much bigger picture, rather than from fear or from a feeling of being under pressure.   

All my consultations are recorded and after your consultation as well as your recording, you receive in pdf format the 'Life Map(s)' and 'Relationship Chart(s)' analysed during your consultation. Consultations can be in your home or at other venues (detailed on my website), they can be face to face, via the telephone or via Skype or ooVoo. (For consultations conducted over the phone, my phone is on hands free so the whole consultation can be recorded)
'Life Maps'
Like a detailed weather forecast of your life, a 'Life Map' details ages zero to 99, your approach your challenges, what is happening in the material/physical and emotional/spiritual realms, the essence of what is happening and what ideally your focus should be each year. A 'Life Map' can help you look at your life in a whole new way and understand your journey to date in the context of what you are here to do.
'Relationship Charts'
Illustrate the connections you share with the significant people in your world and illustrate the impact of significant dates. 

Taster Readings
Last 20 minutes and are a very brief summary of a full consultation and is not recorded. A 'Life Map' is referred to on screen and a 'Relationship Chart is completed to be taken away.
'Just About Me' Consultations
This consultation is literally just about you, what you are here to do, how the world sees you, your motivations, your challenges, what opens doors for you, what brings it all together for you, your lessons, your karma, the essence of who you are. We analyse your 'Life Map' in the context of this and help you to understand your journey to date in a whole new way. We also analyse your 'Relationship Chart' which illustrates the impact of significant dates i.e. dates of events that may expand your world or help you to complete what you are here to do ...    
Standard Consultations
As a 'Just About Me' Consultation expanded to include the significant people in your world as well as significant dates. There is a theory for example that your children have chosen you as a parent.
Full Consultations
My 'Standard Consultation' is expanded here to include all the major relationships in your life and significant dates, starting with the unique set of circumstances you were born into i.e. your parents, their marriage date, your siblings, your partner(s), your children. This is a way of looking at your like in a whole new way and understanding what is really going on.
The Connaissance School of Numerology
This school teaches a unique approach to Numerology, developing intuition based on numbers. I teach the Foundation Course, which is either 1 weekend per month for 3 months or 1 week (6 days). For more information please go to