Hillary & Donald as you have never seen them before .. |
Next Tuesday (08/11/16) is the date for US Elections that will impact all of us. The mission that comes from this date (28/ 19/ 10/ 1) is all about the correct use of power. The 28 at the front ideally means finding the courage to be truly independent and the will to deliver the new consciousness, ‘He
who dares wins’. Hillary’s job in life is this 19/ 10/ 1 energy, which can also represent a new type of leader who leads from behind, putting others first and taking everyone with them. 19/ 10/ 1 can also represent the misuse of power to serve the self and making decisions in the ‘cold light of day’ – without emotion. It’s interesting that Barack Obama’s expression no. is 64/ 19/ 10/ 1, with the 64 in the front representing a new structure to suit new
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Some of my Feedback
“Jane Alton gave me some excellent insights into my personal journey and also assisted with a company name and incorporation date. Each time we spoke, Jane used her skills with precision and kindness
and I’m really happy with the help I received. We spent many hours discussing the numbers and even after my sessions were completed, Jane was still replying to emails, going further and beyond to get the job done"
Tom Wells, Director Kelwel Developments
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Chris Hoy, Mo Farah, Jason Kenny and Steve Redgrave ... Why it’s no co-incidence that they are all born on the 23rd of March ... |
The starting point for all of them is 23/ 5 which in Numerology represents ‘The Peter Pan Number’. This can mean up with brilliant ideas and down with emotions. The 2 is the great measurer and 3 can scatter energy with lots of emotion and intuition coming in fast. With 23/ 5 there is a great need for
mobility and to fly with the most amazing ideas. (The 23rd letter is ‘W’ and this illustrates these peaks and troughs). The 5 represents the mind, the 5 senses, movement and change. The 5 is about studying how things work, thinking very clearly and quickly. The 5 can stay in the senses or move to the higher mind and there is also the potential for obsession. With 23/ 5 there can be extremes until the person owns something and moves in a direction of their
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