Part 1: Transitioning through the years
When we entered the 2020’s, the number of 2’s in the year became one of the dominant influences. Now that we are at the beginning of 2022, the impact of the 2 will be felt even more prominently. This 2 energy is also directly affecting more people, as anyone aged up to 21 will have at least one 2 in their chart.
The 2 in Numerology represents the peace maker, the diplomat, the facilitator, potentially able to see both sides of a situation. The 2 very much ‘feels life’ and tries to balance the emotional see-saw of union and separation.
When a person has a lot of 2 energy there is the potential to be oversensitive, fearful and confused. If poorly expressed 2 energy can also encourage insensitivity, manipulation, extreme impatience and impressionability. This has been highlighted by the appearance of the derogatory term ‘The Snowflake Generation’ to describe those in this age group who are seen as less resilient and more prone to taking offence.
The zero in numerology represents the space or potential, the no-thing that has no beginning or end and from which everything comes. This, combined with the 2 to make 20, represents ‘the birth of something’ and brings with it a period of inner development (or gestation), a period of deep inner reflection, imperative creativity and the potential
for violence.
Looking at the distinct energies of the last couple of years:
This year is represented in numerology by the number 4 (2 + 0 + 2 + 0) as well as 22/ 4 (20 + 2).
The 4 is an earth energy with the qualities of security and stability, as well as the ability to focus on what is viable and practical.
- This energy erects the structure, bringing ideas down to earth with dogged determination and can turn flights of fantasy into reality. It also acts as a bridge between the created world (seen) and the creative world (unseen) - applying creativity in the most practical, grounded way possible.
- The 4 can experience conflict and feel overwhelmed with the responsibility of ‘holding everything together’. Initially 4 may focus just on working with the physical and essentially stopping inner movement. However, 4 has the potential to ‘open up’ by working in a more abstract way, building their ‘inner temple’ with ideas
and intuition, allowing their true creativity to flow.
The 22/ 4 represents the ‘Master Builder’ and brings the potential to build the ‘new world’
- This energy brings the potential for oscillation as these new structures are born out of 2 energy. This can mean great sensitivity and confusion, as there are so many extremes and contradictions to navigate.
- Ultimately this is about building the dream from a position of intense sensitivity and fragility to become group centred and insightful.
(22/ 4 also represents 2 x 11/ 2, 11/ 2 being the channel who can speak with inspiration, reconstructing with intuitive insight).
This year is represented by 5 (2 + 0 + 2 + 1) as well as 23/ 5 (20 + 2 + 1).
The 5 is a fire energy with the qualities of change, communication, energy and motion.
- The 5 is the means by which the mind experiences through its 5 senses, higher and deeper aspects of self. It requires the freedom to explore, experiment and question everything.
- This energy wants to break free from stultifying norms in their quest for knowledge and experience. To embark on an exciting journey of discovery.
23/ 5 represents the ‘Scientist of the Emotions’, exploring ideas (3), born out of emotion (20/ 2).
- The 23/ 5 can represent lots of ups and downs, as there may be great ideas, but these are born of emotion which can mean you doubt yourself.
- If this energy is focussed on what it loves and on ideas that are viable and practical, new ideas and new thinking which influences many can happen as a result.
This year is represented by 6 (2 + 0 + 2 + 2), as well as 24/ 6 (20 + 2 + 2).
The 6 energy contains two trinities (3) and represents the original ideal now coming into full bloom.
- The 6 seeks its vision of harmony and perfection, taking hold of the ideas 5 has produced.
- This is the idealistic number of heart and home.
The 24/ 6 represents new structures (4) born of emotion (20/ 2) and can be ruthless about doing whatever is required for harmony and perfection to prevail (6).
The combination in 2022 of the 6 with three 2s behind it, as well as 24/ 6 may accentuate the key qualities of the 2 which is a water energy.
Part 2: Key words and their numbers ...
© 2021 Copyright Jane Alton