Numerology News - 12/12/12 - 21/12/12 - 22/12/12 and beyond ...
Published: Sun, 12/09/12
12/12/12 - 21/12/12 - 22/12/12 and beyond ... The date 12/12/12 is dominated by the magical 12/ 3 energy. This energy represents the trinity, the blue…
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Published: Sun, 12/09/12
12/12/12 - 21/12/12 - 22/12/12 and beyond ... The date 12/12/12 is dominated by the magical 12/ 3 energy. This energy represents the trinity, the blue…
Published: Wed, 11/02/11
Where will I be in 2012? What is the significance of 11/11/11 ? In most consultations I am asked these questions and wanted to give an e planation…