In the 'Events' section of my website are listed some of the services which I provide. For example: -
These can be in the client's home or at other venues (detailled on my website), these can be face to face, via the telephone or via Skype. Full consultations last at least 2 hours and focus on the client and their significant relationships. The client's journey to date is analysed. The mission that comes from marriage(s) and/or divorce dates(s) are included as well as name and dates of birth of children, partner(s) and/or friends. Afterwards the client receives a recording of their consultation, together with the 'Relationship Charts' and 'Life Maps' included in the consultation in pdf format.
These last at least 1 hour and are the same as a full consultation, but focus just on the client and their 'Life Map'.
Last 20 minutes and are a very brief summary of a full consultation without a recording of the consultation or a 'Life Map' to take away.
Not included in the 'Events' section of my website are
With the aid of a flip chart I summarise the meaning of numbers 1 to 9 and show how all present at the party are connected. I then give readings to each of the guests (5 minimum) and complete a 'Relationship Chart' to show how the guests are connected. I then complete 'Relationship Charts' for each of the guests. (A recording of the party applicable to each guest is available on request). .
Very similar to a 'Numerology Party' but in the work environment - a true ice breaker !
'Relationship Charts' can be used to analyse the dynamics of an existing team and to show the impact of adding a new team member. Also before interviewing a perspective new candidate, with the aid of Numerology you can truly understand where they are in their life and how they would fit in with a proposed team.
Understand the energies and dynamics behind the names you use in business and their impact. Choose the perfect name for your new business or product. Choose the perfect launch date. Understand the connection between your business and your personal mission, lessons and karma.