Newsletter from Numerologist Jane Alton with Special offer

Published: Sun, 01/12/14

I'm now a teacher of the Connaissance School of Numerology

The Connaissance School of Numerology teaches a unique approach to Numerology, developing intuition based on numbers. This training is valuable to anyone who is interested in healing, business, personal relationships, career choices and everyday life decisions.

We use numbers every day, they are very useful tools and to a certain extent they can define our lives i.e. our dress size, our age, how much money we have etc. But, numbers are actually sacred symbols, representing energies and cycles. This Numerology course gives you the opportunity to look at numbers and your life in a whole new way.

Special Offer 

  My Book &  Articles

Attached is a copy of my new personal flyer with revised layout and wording.

I am running a special offer until 28th February 2014

During this period if you contact me quoting 'ALTON14'.

My fee for a Full consultation will be reduced to £175 and my fee for a consultation 'Just About Me' will be reduced to £50.

A full consultation is recorded and lasts at least 2 hours. It includes analysis of several 'Relationship Charts' and 'Life Maps' and is an analysis of your whole journey to date, incorporating significant relationships and dates. After your full consultation you receive a recording of this together with the 'Relationship Charts' and 'Life Maps' analysed in pdf format. 

A consultation 'Just About Me' is recorded and lasts at least 45 minutes. It is literally just about you and includes analysis of your 'Life Map'. After your 'Just About Me consultation you receive a recording of this together with your 'Life Map' in pdf format. 

Please note that vouchers are available for my Numerology Consultations and attached is a copy of one of the cards available to present your voucher in (entitled 'Tree of Life') ...

I look forward to hearing from you soon ...

Friday, 26th of April 2013 was the first anniversary of the completion of the exclusive holiday destination that is Chalet Seven in Crans Montana, Switzerland.
I was invited to this celebration to promote the book I have written exclusively for Chalet Seven, this book is entitled 'The Meaning of Seven' and is now on the coffee tables of this exclusive holiday destination.  
Below is a link to my book: -



2013 & 2014

The challenge throughout 2013 has been to find the harmony within and the challenge for 2014 will be more spiritual. There is the potential for a birth in consciousness. The challenge will be to learn from all that has gone before. There may be great sensitivity and it is about the journey from the head to the heart.
The truth will prevail ...  

Dr Who's 50th Anniversary in 2013 ...

You may be interested to know that TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension In Space) is a 26/ 8 in Numerology and this represents Lord Karma, achieving success to help 'the little people' and to change patterns that will otherwise go on forever. The challenge for us in 2013 was a 24/ 6, which represents 'Harmony in time and Space'. This 50th anniversary  (50) represents change after a great deal of reflection, 5 being the one number (or vibration) that can rise to the higher mind .... just something to reflect on ...

Beyoncé Jay Z & 4

When Jay Z announced that he and Beyoncé would follow a vegan diet for 22 days as part of a "spiritual and physical cleanse," he noted the significance of that seemingly random time span. 
"There's something spiritual to me about it being my 44th birthday and the serendipity behind the number of days in this challenge; 22 (2+2=4) coupled with the fact that the challenge ends on Christmas day ... It just feels right!" he wrote on his website, Life + Times.
Bey and Jay have long voiced their obsession with the number 4, which has been a recurring motif throughout their lives, as seen in their birthdays, wedding date and even the name of their firstborn. In fact, it's hard not to notice how the release date of Bey's new album the 13th of December adds up: 1+3=4. 
(Source: Heat magazine 31/12/13) 
The number 4 represents being stable, practical, systematic and grounded. The 4 is all about building viable structures, it is about standing back from ideas and deciding what is viable and what is practical. The 4 is one of the most creative numbers but can get so caught up with holding it all together for others that there can be inner conflict. The 4 can be very strong and determined and can hang on to things, the 4 finds it hard to let go. Ultimately the 4 is about building the inner temple, rather than focussing on securing the structures on the outside for others.
In the 'Media' section of my website are my radio & TV interviews: -
I spoke to
Malcolm Boyden,
BBC Radio Oxford
Mike Zeller
BBC Radio Cumbria
About the date

I spoke to 
BBC Radio Oxford
Mike Graham
Talk Sport Radio
About the Royal baby

I spoke to  
Dominic King
BBC Radio Kent
Phil White
BBC Radio Humberside
Alan Morressey
Spin South West
Hayley Donaghy
Network Q Radio
About Touch Season 1 

I spoke to 
Vanessa Feltz
BBC London
Nick Ferrari
Malcolm Boyden
BBC Radio Oxford
Ian Timms
BBC Radio Cumbria
About the date
Please see my notes 

Sixth Sense Radio: 
The Anniversary of 9/11
in terms of Numerology. Claudine Hope interviews fire fighter Dan Potter who survived with his wife, who was working on the 81st floor of the first tower hit.
Please see my notes
Claudine Hope interviews David Essex and I talk about his life in terms of Numerology.
(David read what I was planning to say beforehand and confirmed that he was happy with what I had written).
Please see my notes
I spoke to
Fred MacAuley on
MacAuley & Co. Show 

BBC Radio Scotland
I'm talking about numbers that hold special meanings. I also talk about the significance of a person's name and the significance of London hosting the Olympics in 2012.

I spoke to 
Pat Marsh 
BBC Radio Kent
about the Royal Wedding and explained the 'Relationship Chart' for Wills & Kate and how extremely positive the energies are around them and their marriage.
I was interviewed on ITV Daybreak by Adrian Chiles and Christine Bleakley on 13/01/11
suppossedly to talk about the significance of No. 7 for David Beckham, but as you will see the notes I had prepared said a great deal more than I did on the subject...But fortunately so many people contacted the program that I was invited back on..
I was interviewed by Sky News on 10/10/10 about the significance of this date

In the 'Events' section of my website are listed some of the services which I provide. For example: -

These can be in the client's home or at other venues (detailled on my website), these can be face to face, via the telephone or via Skype. Full consultations last at least 2 hours and focus on the client and their significant relationships. The client's journey to date is analysed. The mission that comes from marriage(s) and/or divorce dates(s) are included as well as name and dates of birth of children, partner(s) and/or friends. Afterwards the client receives a recording of their consultation, together with the 'Relationship Charts' and 'Life Maps' included in the consultation in pdf format.

These last at least 1 hour and are the same as a full consultation, but focus just on the client and their 'Life Map'.

Last 20 minutes and are a very brief summary of a full consultation without a recording of the consultation or a 'Life Map' to take away. 

Not included in the 'Events' section of my website are
With the aid of a flip chart I summarise the meaning of numbers 1 to 9 and show how all present at the party are connected. I then give readings to each of the guests (5 minimum) and complete a 'Relationship Chart' to show how the guests are connected. I then complete 'Relationship Charts' for each of the guests. (A recording of the party applicable to each guest is available on request). .
Very similar to a 'Numerology Party' but in the work environment - a true ice breaker !
'Relationship Charts' can be used to analyse the dynamics of an existing team and to show the impact of adding a new team member. Also before interviewing a perspective new candidate, with the aid of Numerology you can truly understand where they are in their life and how they would fit in with a proposed team.  
Understand the energies and dynamics behind the names you use in business and their impact. Choose the perfect name for your new business or product. Choose the perfect launch date. Understand the connection between your business and your personal mission, lessons and karma. 

I would love to hear from you and can be contacted on and
I also update the blog on my website as well as Facebook and Twitter with 'everyday in terms of numerology'
To follow me on Facebook jane.alton.5
To follow me on Twitter @janealton