As you can see from the above illustration, the year 2024 is dominated by 8 energy.
In terms of numerology: -
8 represents karma and constant re-evaluation, as light continually moves into the dark to re-emerge, bringing everything to the surface to be looked at in the light of day. Resilience is required, as decisions have to be made ‘do I take this with me or do I let this go’, (on its side this number also
represents eternity).
8 represents the strategist and organiser moving back and forth tirelessly, destroying and rebuilding.
8 is continually working to find the point of balance at the centre between ’as above so below’ – so spirit and matter, inner and outer can work together in harmony.
8 brings the potential to gain inner strength and humility as we come to the end of another
9-year cycle.
The 8 representing this year, also evolves from the 7 energies of
last year, which continue to be carried forward, particularly in the early part of this year.
2023 saw lots of ups and downs with lots of ideas and new thinking (3), born of emotion (20). We may also have felt very sensitive and vulnerable, outside of our comfort zones (7), forced to embrace change and be adaptable (43/ 7), ‘thinking on our feet’ (25/ 7) and going with the flow’ more than we would like.
This year: -
2+0+2+4 = 8, ’Essential Goal’ – there may be to
constant re-evaluation.
20 + 2 + 4 = 26/ 8 ‘Method’ – this may involve taking responsibility (6) for actions resulting from new thinking, (26/ 8 represents ‘Lord Karma’)
20 + 24 = 44/ 8 ‘Potential Resulting Action’ – this may result in a determination to make new ideas viable and practical (4).
This may stretch our boundaries as 8 represents re-evaluation at all levels, as everything is potentially brought to the surface to be looked at - greed, ambition, corruption
Illusion V Truth … may become a re-occurring theme for 2024 …