In terms of numerology, separation can be a characteristic of 2 energy and in recent years 2 energy has become more prevalent (especially on the date 22/2/2022).
As we start to emerge from years of separation (and in some cases isolation), some of us may be looking at ourselves and our environment differently. After
potentially connecting in new ways to the universe within, this year (2023), gives us an opportunity to apply our new thinking to how we view the universe outside of ourselves.
The year 2023 can be represented by 25/ 7 (20+2+3), this represents co-operation and ‘the birth of consciousness’. As discussed in my previous newsletter, the words ‘Earth’, ‘Nature’ and ‘Heart’ in numerology all reduce to 25/ 16/ 7, so encouraging us all to be
more in rhythm with the world around us, more aware and responsive to our surroundings.
This year (2+0+2+3=7) ultimately encourages us to connect with spirit (7) and our true nature. As a result, we may feel we need more time and space on our own, to know ourselves and live true to ourselves at the deepest level.
Spirit is of course everywhere and behind everything. The space
that surrounds us, the ‘no-thing’ that appears empty and silent, represents potential in Numerology (0) and contains the potential for everything that is not yet manifest. Just as the cells and atoms within us are also made up primarily of space.
Everything physical is of the past and we are the bridge between this created world and the creative world, which has yet to be made real. The number 7 in Numerology represents the
magician, with the potential to help this process, as 7 consists of 3 + 4 (where 3 represents great creativity and 4 the potential to build viable structures).
The key characteristic of the 7 is the desire to go into the quiet, to connect with spirit and our true authentic selves. As a result of being true to our authentic self and trusting our inner voice, we can then allow spirit (or this potential) to expand our world and encourage
new thinking.
Connecting with spirit can take us back to the source and our true essence, beneath layers of behaviours and mindsets built and reinforced over thousands of years for our protection and survival.
When viewed from this perspective, ‘going into the quiet’ or the ‘no-thing’, a place with no structure, may seem futile and unnecessary - especially when there is so
much that has to be done on the outside.
Spirit may seem nebulous and vague, but for our environment to change there must be change on the inside and new thinking. Truly aligning with spirit individually and collectively, together connecting at source, makes it possible for us to truly work together, as one, in true peace and harmony.
Spirit and space are so vast they
are beyond our comprehension, they are eternal…
To truly expand our thinking it is vital we connect with this.
Soul is the great mediator between spirit and matter, connecting us all with our source and the eternal within us, as well as to reality.
Soul is a state of being beyond self, as soul takes us into the
collective consciousness which is united and connected to the wholeness of life on this planet, connecting us again with ‘Earth’, ‘Nature’ and ‘Heart’. Soul is a quality that can make us aware of our inter connectedness, it is a quality for us to find on the inside.
We may want to be in a different place and may feel this would solve everything. We may want to separate ourselves from all we choose not to deal with. We may want to stay
‘safe and secure’ in our comfort zones, but total security is an illusion and change is always guaranteed. Although on one level our life every day may feel the same, subtle currents beneath the surface ensure everything is in a constant state of flux, forever moving in cycles within cycles and changing everything.
We may keep ourselves so busy that there is no time or space for reflection, the worlds of ego and pride can mean
we are driven by our insecurities and our need to be seen as separate and ‘special’. They can keep us focussed on ‘keeping up appearances’, wanting to be seen as ‘in charge and in control’. Living only in the physical, emotional, and mental realms of the personality can prevent us from learning and limit the scope of our vision and energy.
Connected with spirit however, we may feel empowered to change things and connected to
source. - we may instead think in terms of abundance. Connected at source to everything, we may feel at home everywhere, as we see ourselves in all beings.
The longest journey for all of us is from our head to our heart.
Below I have tried to illustrate with Numerology the movement from Self to Collective (via Personality, Ego, and Soul), using the numbers generated
by these words, as illustrated above: -